Where do we be headed?

supermoonIt is hard to imagine how humans can be considered anything more than an evolutionary detour, a genetic aberration, that is in the process of sorting itself out.  Some days I am more optimistic than others as to the likelihood of that happening.

It is profoundly saddening to see not only the atrocities inflicted on young children in Iraq by the extremist militants of ISIS, but also the response of some Christians that would have us believe that these actions are somehow “typical Muslim behavior.”

The beheading of children has nothing to do with religion. 

There is no religion that I am aware of, certainly not Christian and certainly not Muslim, that has any doctrines that would support such an act.  This is merely the act of lunatics, psychotics and horse’s asses.  If they think they have authority from some higher power to commit these crimes, then they merely prove my case for me.  However, people that would conveniently lump these horse’s asses into a particular “religion” have their own psychosis to deal with and are likely horse’s asses and lunatics themselves.

Neither course of action helps the human race get off its self destructive evolutionary detour and onto a course where it has a any chance of survival as a species.

Charles Buell

A “Poli-sophical” Rant

The tyranny of the masses

Given these extraordinary economic times it is sometimes difficult to step outside of ourselves and look at the big picture.  After all, when things get tough it is more than natural to focus inward in self interest.  What this accomplishes is to narrow our view to such an extent that we can no longer benefit from the many advantages of having a bigger view of what is going on.

Make the most of life—or not!

Tree in the sunsetYesterday,

Actually after the yesterdays

Hiding so many other yesterdays,

We inexplicably step out of the void.

We experience joy, we experience sadness,

We experience love, we experience anger,

We experience courage, we experience fear,.

We experience doubt, we experience faith,

We experience denial, we experience belief,

We experience epiphanies, we experience hope,

……..or not!

Experience is at the heart of it all.

Some among us are not even that lucky.

By Charles Buell

Pick your poison

The forest sees the light

Knowing darkness—

—knowing light.

When we cannot see the forest for the trees, seeing the light becomes important.

Sometimes we merely have to open our eyes.

Sometimes closing them is the answer.

Seeing the light is sometimes not enough.

Mother Nature is a Hottie!

Mother Natures Earrings

In Summer, Mother Nature can be as hot as a brothel’s attic.

In Winter, as cold as the end of Jack in The Shining.
When she is out and about in the violent cold of winter.
When the hoarfrost nips our noses and toeses.
We are seduced by her crystal earring’s shining.
And warmed all over again.
Like hot chocolate.
Amongst the shattered roses.

By Charles Buell