The iceberg that is Trump, shows but a small portion of all that is hidden below the surface.
Apparently some people can conveniently ignore all that is below the surface, in the “hope” that he will do more good than harm for causes that are icebergs themselves. Hope is frosting on shit. It “looks good” but………
Politicians on all sides have secrets, and these politicians we elect are but a reflection of ourselves–sometimes we like what we see in the mirror sometimes we do not.
The other day at the UN, Donald Trump said: “We reject the ideology of globalism, and we embrace the doctrine of patriotism.”
Please DO NOT include me in that “we.”
We live in a global economy, and denial will not make that otherwise.
The laws of the land apply and are for all of us (at least this is the ideal we work toward). It is an imperfect process, not because it cannot be done but because of the baggage we all bring to the process in hard to leave behind.
As we think about what laws should be written, we need to ask ourselves, am I arguing for my own particular beliefs to be included? If the answer is yes, any law that results will be wrong from the get go. We are better than this, we are bigger than this. Do not listen to those that would say otherwise.
We sink or swim as a planet–as the human race. Notions of separateness can never accomplish anything but disaster for us all–or at the very least, only a short reprieve from lots of suffering and misery.
Even icebergs are able to get along, but sooner or later are absorbed by their environment. True freedom will come from our not so much becoming ONE PEOPLES on earth, but recognizing and embracing we already are.
Charles Buell