The Beliefs we wear, are like the Clothes we wear

All the reasons we wear clothes can be applied to “beliefs” and sometimes we wear those beliefs on our sleeve.

We wear clothes to protect us from the rain, the sun and the cold. There are different clothes for weddings, funerals, the beach, going into space, going to the depths of the sea or to the tops of mountains.

There are special clothes for the bedroom and for dealing with mosquitoes.

Lawyers, priests, cowboys, ladies of the night, and sports teams all wear special clothes.

Clothes have artistic and symbolic meanings. We use body piercings, tattoos, head scarfs, masks, see-through clothes and peacock hats. All of these adornments have meaning, no meaning, or even meanings we are oblivious too.

Beliefs similarly are rampant with ritual, but they add levels of importance that cannot be supported logically.

When our clothes wear out, no longer fit, or result in wardrobe malfunction, we adjust accordingly after hopefully avoiding too much embarrassment. We wear clothes because we are required to per social norms–but with that we are firmly in the grasp of belief, even if you lived through the 60’s.

Ask a child to let go of their cherished security blanket after it finally dies in the washer. IT IS ONLY A BLANKET!

But it is a blanket with power to make the universe OK.

War, prejudice, social intolerance and greed are the result of being in denial about how our clothes no longer fit.

The whole world could use a change of clothes—or at the very least, not take their beliefs as seriously as their clothes.

There is tremendous amounts of blood, sweat and tears to wash out.

Charles Buell

Let’s Shoot the First Amendment

Sometimes people simply are Vulnerable and this is self-evident.

Sometimes given the huge Diversity of our population, and of the world, certain groups of people can benefit from Entitlement programs due to the entitlement claimed by others as the result of luck, greed, arrogance, or ignorance.

It is interesting that those that do not have to deal with being transgendered think they have the right to deny it even exists–this is a hide-your-head-in-sand approach to life.

We were all fetuses at one point in our lives, this is both Evidence-based and Science-based.

Are we seriously going to stand by, with our heads in a dark place, while the roots of the Second World War or McCarthyism get played out all over again?

Banning the CDC from using the above highlighted words should be an affront to all Americans.

Remember when even Catcher in the Rye was banned?

The heck with the Second Amendment, this is a direct assault on the First Amendment–perhaps the First Amendment will get shot by the Second Amendment.

Charles Buell

Heads in the Sand

As Americans, as human beings, it is essential we stand when necessary, kneel when necessary and even crawl when necessary.

When we stand when we should kneel, or kneel when we should stand, or crawl when standing and walking would have been better, is a great way to fail as a human being and as an American.

When we fail to allow those around us to act as their conscience dictates–that is the most un-American thing of all.

There is one other position that is worse than making a mess of the other choices, and that is keeping our heads in the sand.

Charles Buell