It is already another Christmas/Holiday season, and once again the familiar easy panic sets in.
We have all been there, experiencing the angst over what gift to give to so-and-so and so-and-so. All of this anxiety works against what is really important–seeing our loved one’s faces, experiencing their warm hugs, or talking about nothing in particular on the phone.
While gift giving can be a great pleasure, the pressure can sometimes put a damper on what is “really” important. It can make one forget what the giving is all about–what the season is all about.
The older I get, the less important the material gifts become.
It becomes more important to just hang out with friends and family sharing great food, long walks on the beach, or laughing oneself sick at a game of charades.
All of the material things I have ever wanted for Christmas have long since been unceremoniously eaten by trash compactors, sent to the Good-Will over and over, ended up in garage sales, or even been re-gifted and then sent to the trash compactor.
We do not often recognize that the things in Santa’s bag are actually smiles and laughter.
The smiles, hugs and kisses of my kids, my kid’s kids, and all my family are the gifts that do endure.
May all the smiles of your gifts, be with you and yours this season and throughout the New Year.
Charles Buell